Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Stretch of the Month: Hip Opening

Shakira said it first: my hips don't lie. Have you ever squatted or bent over to find yourself feeling suddenly angry or frustrated? Not to sound like an anti-depressant commercial, but you're not alone. The anatomical significance of hips is evident, but the emotional implications are not always. Hips can be thought of as a basin for negative emotions. We women especially store years of frustration and negative emotions in those junk drawers known as hips. I've attended several hip-opening yoga classes and almost every time afterwards, I witness a woman or two crying with both relief and gratitude. I have to admit that Pigeon Pose sometimes makes me feel like I need to scream and just let it all go. So I do.

No matter your age, sex or degree of flexibility, it's never too late to stretch your hip flexor muscles. You'll also find yourself with improved mobility, flexibility and stability by practicing hip-openers bi-weekly or so. Some of my favorite asanas that are guaranteed to do the trick are High Lunge, Lizard Pose and Lotus Pose. This week I'd like to share a stretch with you that I recently learned. It has done a wonder on my hip flexors and shoulders. Be aware that this an intense hip opener and may require moderate stretching prior to attempting. Also, please excuse my goofy facial expressions!

Hip-Opening Stretch
1. Sit with your feet crossed and let your legs fall to either side at about a 45 degree angle.

2. Place your thumbs under your pits and place your hands on your chest, fingers pointing upwards. 
Make sure your elbows are outside of your knees.

3. As you inhale, keeping your spine elongated, squeeze your legs together.Your knees can be used as leverage to push your elbows closer together. This motion should cause your shoulder-blades to push outwards and the front of your shoulders inwards. Hold this pose for 3 seconds as you hold your breath.

4. Exhale and release to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.

The morning after this stretch, I find my hips fairly sore from all the release, so please keep your body in mind when practicing. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. If it does, try gradually increasing the number of repetitions of this stretch. After a few stretches, like Shakira, you'll start to feel it's right. ;)


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