Magnetism. One of the most basic natural laws simply consisting of an electrical charge between two objects. It's found in the sun, the stars, moon–even in you and me. Magnetism is found in every organ of the body. The therapeutic values of magnets were first discovered about 2,000 years ago by Chinese doctors. Probably not in the conventional way that involves horseshoe magnets or magnetic jewelry, but in a much larger-scaled process. It's an ongoing occurrence that involves connecting the body and the universe to promote self-healing, sustenance, and radiating bliss. ☀
My roommate, Yessy, and I at Books, Beans, and Candles where we discovered these peculiar green rocks' "magnetic tentacles."
What a beautiful phenomena it is for our planet earth to be so affected and enhanced by magnetic fields! Our earthly existence is methodically patterned after unbounded galaxies. Every cell contains a field of magnetic energy that utilizes corporeal unity to nourish flowing energy. The body's collaborative efforts allow for us to truly harmonize with all that surrounds us. I began practicing yoga on a daily basis just a couple months ago for a single life-changing reason: I honor my magnetic fields and all the interconnected creations around me.
Daily practice: Greet the day.
Rain, snow, sleet, or or shine...raise your arms and open your heart each morning to greet the sun.
This can be done by standing up straight, on your knees, or however your body feels the most open.
1. Open up your chest with each inhale and lift your arms above you. Open up the heart even more by pointing your hands behind your head and gazing upwards.
2. Feel the energy rising from your feet to your core, as it floats to your heart and reaches your crown.
3. Exhale only positive energy back into the air.
Smile, if you want! ☺
4. Once you're comfortable, begin extending the spine as you inhale.
5. Exhale and...just be.
6. Repeat until greeting the sun feels invigorating yet natural. Focus in on the moment. By this point, a lot of yogis/yoginis feel the "yoga high." Hence why this has become a daily routine for many!
As the energy rises up your spine and as you oxygenate your body (a natural detoxification process), the stronger your magnetic field becomes. Thus, the universe welcomes and energizes your connection. Enjoy the natural high!
ॐ☯ ♥
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